7 Useful CSS code snippet Websites

7 Useful CSS code snippet Websites

7 Useful CSS code snippet Websites

1. Code My UI

Code My UI

There are 453 CSS UI Design Examples on Code My UI

You'll find pure CSS examples or HTML elements created with only CSS to give it some sassy effects.

Typically, one would use JS or other things to achieve similar effects, but CSS alone can be used.

There are a lot of CSS only code snippets in here, ranging from accordions to sliders to dropdown menus.

You can recreate these effects on your website without any coding knowledge by using the code snippets in this section.

2. Codepad


Codepad is a place where developers can share code snippets (PHP, Java, Bash, C, C++, Python and more).

Create your HTML, CSS and JS Demos.

3. CSS Deck

css deck

4. Design Bombs

Design bombs

Design Bombs is an online publication providing well-researched guides, tutorials, exclusive deals, and other useful content.

5. CSS-Tricks

All things related to web design and development, including CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and more.


Code snippets for teams and individuals.

7. 30 seconds of code

30 Seconds of Code

It covers techniques for creating commonly-used layouts, styling and animating elements, as well as snippets for handling user interaction.